Mission and Vision
Our Mission
“Providing aid for needy and defenseless people IN disasters and usual periods as a proactive organization, developing cooperation in the society.
Our Vision
“Organization which is taken as a model in Humanitarian aid service in USA and in the world; and the Organization which is with people in their hardest time”.
Fundamental Principles
The AHISKA RELIEF FOUNDATION, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, AHISKA RELIEF may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
The AHISKA RELIEF is independent. while an auxiliary in the humanitarian services of its government and subject to the laws of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Voluntary Service
AHISKA RELIEF is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.
There can be only one AHISKA RELIEF and its branches in the USA . It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian aid throughout the territory of USA and WORLD
The AHISKA RELIEF FOUNDATION, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.
Institutional Values
AHISKA RELIEF FOUNDATION represents fairness. It provides its services to those in need without any form of discrimination. In its services to the community, it adheres to the Fundamental Principles of the International Movement and its Institutional Values.
Ahiska Relief Foundation defines the value of justice as
Demonstrating the same behavior and approach to all, without any form of discrimination of religion, language, ethnicity, nationality and gender,
Evaluating all cases and options with impartiality and neutrality,
Maintaining justice in all activities and services,
Contributing to permanent peace by promoting humanistic values,
forming the basis of the relationships between institutional staff and members, making it a component of corporate culture.
Open Communication
Ahiska Relief Foundation, by its charitable nature, is open to sharing resources with society and is independent of prejudices. It makes information accessible by all, including donors, solution partners and the community.
Ahiska Relief Foundation defines the value of “Open Communication” as;
Sharing information and experiences,
Promoting interaction with the community,
Being accessible, transparent and accountable,
Sharing information within the institution on a regular and concurrent basis, making it a component of corporate culture.
Ahiska Relief Foundation is a symbol of solidarity and mutual support. Nurtured by its historical roots and the compassion of its community, the foundation shares common values with its donors in their joint action. The foundation delivers all of its services through the support of the community. Member of the foundation also place emphasis on solidarity within the team while providing services which incorporate the culture, traditions and collective experience coming from its roots.
Ahiska Relief Foundation defines the value of “Solidarity” as;
Commitment, team spirit, trust, cooperation, support and sharing, making it a component of corporate culture.
Ahiska Relief Foundation inspires trust by realizing the Fundamental Principles and the Institutional Values. It upholds and ensures the protection of human dignity. All relations between the members are governed by trust.
Ahiska Relief Foundation defines the value of “Trust” as;
Reliability in words, actions and behavior,
Foundation for success and esteem,
Trust and dependability in interpersonal relations,
Providing services as afforded by resources and capacity,
A tool for resolving social problems, making it a component of its corporate culture.
Ahiska Relief Foundation Honor
The Ahiska Relief advocate feels the contentment derived from translating social common sense, conscience, tolerance, compassion and charitability into service for humanity. Ahiska Relief Advocates are the “Charity Dervishes” who sincerely adopt, internalize the Fundamental Principles of the Foundation and the Institutional Values, transform them into action, who work selflessly to alleviate human pain. It is an honor to be a member of the Ahiska Relief Foundation.
Ahiska Relief Foundation defines the value of “AHISKA RELIEF HONOR” as;
Serving humanity under the guidance of instiutional values and fundamental principles of the International Movement, and by exercising
Will-power and rationality,
Enthusiasm, passion and commitment,
Modern and innovative approach, and
A desire to make a difference.
Ahiska Relief members and advocates act in a manner that will not hurt the “AHISKA RELIEF ”, making it a component of the corporate culture.
Strategic Plans
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Human Resources
Human Resources In Ahiska Relief Foundation
The Human Resources Department with all its functions, promotes innovative, creative and quality-improving and globally responsive activities which contribute to the contentment as well as personal and professional development of its employees, cultivating the sense of corporate belonging, thus adding value to the overall organization by making employees an active contributor.
Recruitment And Employment At Ahiska Relief Foundation
The goal of the recruitment process in Ahiska Relief Foundation is to select employees who are the best fit to the institutional culture with professional knowledge and qualifications required by the job profile; who can adapt to changes easily, who are creative, well rounded, involved, who are committed to improving themselves and others, adding value to the organization.
Life At Ahiska Relief Foundation
The special days of our employees are also special for us. Therfore we recognize and celebrate the birthdays of our employees.
The Ahiska Relief organizes a comprehensive orientation program to ensure that the new employees get a clear picture of the what their position will entail, to promote the feeling of involvement, to maximize satisfaction, and to facilitate their adaptation to their new environment.
One of the most important steps of the orientation process is the “Ahiska Relief Orientation Manual”. This binder also includes the letter titled “Welcome to the Ahiska Relief Foundation” which has in-depth explanations about the areas of service, values and strategic priorities of the Society.
Professional Training And Development At Ahiska Relief Foundation
The foundation supports its employees in their personal and professional development and in realizing their objectives, in order to reach institutional goals, facilitate the adaptation of employees to change, improvement and new technologies, and promote constant quality improvement.
Privacy and Data Security Policy
Privacy and Data Security Policy within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law
The Ahiska Relief Foundation requests certain personal information from you so as to provide its services more healthily and fairly; reach donors, volunteers as well as those in need when necessary, and healthily evaluate the requests of those in need.
The Ahiska Relief Foundation reserves its rights to collect, process and share with related 3rd persons and institutions personal data on its own and/or in conjunction with other data, provided to itself and considered personal data under the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
Unless otherwise stated in written form, the person accepts that his/her personal data can be collected, processed and s/he can be reached by any communication means, and that the current application shall continue unless s/he notifies his/her data sharing preferences in written form.
In this regard, your personal data shall be protected by the Ahiska Relief within the framework of abovementioned Law and will be processed pursuant to the confirmation received from yourself. We would like to note that your Personal Data may be used by ourselves with the aim of contacting you for promotive and informative reasons, collecting and compiling statistical data and developing charitable activities.
In this context, you may use the rights listed below at any given time by appealing to our Society, as the Data Supervisor, within the scope of article 11. Accordingly; our donors, whose personal data is being processed, have the right to
– Learn whether their personal data is being processed,
– Request information on personal data being processed, if such exists,
– Learn why their personal data is being processed and whether such data is being used fittingly,
– Know the third persons to whom their personal data has been transferred, request the correction of errors in their personal data and that such corrections be asked of third persons if data has been transferred,
– Request that personal data be deleted, destroyed or be anonymized if the reasons requiring them to be processed cease to exist and that such a request be conveyed to third persons if data has been transferred,
– Object if a negative outcome has arisen with regard to processed data,
– Claim damages within the framework of legislations if damage occurs due to processing of data in defiance of the Law.
Payment Security
The Ahiska Relief Foundation does not keep record of or store personal data subject to the donation such as Credit Card, ATM Card or Account information (i.e. Credit Card Number). The Ahiska Relief Foundation ensures the security of donation payments.